日本はもう「単一民族国家」やあらへん Japan is not a monoracial nation any more

bluesky THOUGHT | つれづれ


I saw a TV program called “Children born of the War”, focusing on children and grand children born to American father in the US Military and a Japanese mother after WW2. I sometimes receive inquiries from those children or grand children who is the 2nd or 3rd Generation Japanese asking how to obtain a residence/visa status to living in Japan. During the consultation, it is not a rare case which we find we cannot reach the documentary proof of their Japanese parent or grandparent.


It has been hard for children and grand children born to American Soldiers and Japanese women to live in either Japan or US – people look at them with discrimination and treat them harshly. Some of those American-Japanese were sent to a group home for children. They have been struggling with their own “ambiguous” identity.



It is not only a matter of descendent between the US soldiers and Japaneses women

However, this issue does not only exist between US and Japan – we see the same problem to those who were born to Japanese soldiers and Filipino women during or after the WW2. They couldn’t get away from discrimination no matter which country they live, in the Philippines or in Japan. The documents they gave me tells the stories of how they have (still) been struggling because of their fate. I also see some documents which I should say “?” – I won’t tell the details of it here, thought.

日本国籍だがこれまでほとんどフィリピンで生活しているため、在日歴10年となっても日本語は話せない・読めない・書けないとか。親は比国に残って、子や孫たちが日本に来て、比国のファミリーへ生活費を仕送りしているとか。日本人・日本在住者の何人が、このことを知っているだろうか? しかも、彼らは見かけが日本人と変わらない人も多い。外見で「ダブル」とハッキリわかる人よりも、生きにくい思いをしてるんじゃないだろうか?

Some of them have Japanese nationality, however, they cannot speak/read/write Japanese even they have been living in Japan for 10 years or more since they have been living in the Philippines most of the time. Some 2nd and 3rd Generation Japanese have been living in Japan and they send money for living to their parents and siblings/relatives in the Philippines. I wonder how many Japanese people know their situation? What is more, some of those Filipino-Japanese looks similar to Japanese nationals. It would be harder for them to live in Japan compare to those who looks apparently as a “double”.


私は、日本では「BLM」は叫べない。日本ではリアルではないから。アメリカのリアルが日本のリアルではない。日本で生活する私の周りでは、もっと多様なリアルを見せつけられています。日本で「Black」に限定して、日本人として、何らかの抗議行動する・・・ってのは、違和感を拭いきれない。EACH and EVERY LIVES MATTER。

Japan is not “a racially homogeneous nation” any more

Some says Japanese people doesn’t care about “BLM”. We care about the matter, but I don’t feel I want to say it loud. BLM is not “real” here in Japan. We have more problem about the ethnicity. Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable that the Japanese people living in Japan take some action in Japan against discrimination for “Black” people only. EACH and EVERY LIVES MATTER.


Japan is not “a racially homogeneous nation” any more. There are variety of people living in Japan. Each family member has different nationality. An Asian and European couple who living in Japan and communicating in Japanese language got married and had a baby in Japan.



This photo is taken by one of my French clients living in Tokyo, Blue Impulse flown in May 2020 to show appreciation to medical and health care workers.

新型コロナ再蔓延ですが、New Normalを徹底しましょう。

